Travel Tips

What To Prepare Before Entering Sarawak Malaysia

Travel to the Borneo Island might be underrated for ordinary travellers but will grant you a unique and unforgettable mempries for the rest of your life. This article will provide you informations on what to prepare before entering Sarawak Malaysia.


Malaysia is a unique and diverse country in the world. Located in Southeast Asia, it is unique and famous for its cultural diversity from the nearly 30+ ethnicities that live in Malaysia. Malaysia consist of two seperate region which are the peninsular region (West Malaysia) and Borneo region (East Malaysia) where Sabah and Sarawak located. In this article we will focus on Sarawak Malaysia. Perhaps, we will cover Sabah also in our next article.


Sarawak experiences a climate similar to peninsular Malaysia where it experiences a hot and humid climate throughout the year.

How Big Sarawak Is?

Sarawak is the biggest state in Malaysia. Sarawak is home to over 2 million people and the majority of them are Christians meanwhile Islam is the second largest religion in Sarawak. As a biggest state in Malaysia, the first and common transportation in Sarawak is car verhicle and motorcycle.

In Sarawak, the travel distance between one city to another is quite long due to its hilly location. Hence using public transport here is not only second choice but maybe the last choice for some of them.

What To Prepare Before Entering Sarawak Malaysia

Preparation before entering Sarawak should help you to ease your journey while in Sarawak. Regardless where you come from, this article will cover for all travellers who will enter Sarawak Malaysia.

Summer Outfits

Because the weather in Sarawak is hot and humid all year round, it is best for us to wear summer clothes throughout our stay in Sarawak.

Social Visit Pass

For travellers from Peninsular Malaysia, please remember that you may not required password but you will assign a social visit pass upon arrival at Sarawak Airports. This pass with printed on a thin paper should you take and keep it safe throughout your stay in Sarawak. This pass allowed you to stay in Sarawak for 90 days only without any VISA requirement or passport.

You will need to hand over this visit pass to the officer at the Airports once you are about to out from Sarawak. For non Malaysia travellers, you will need to worried about your passport from the beginning.

Canned or Instant Foods

I believe that you will travel to Sarawak to explore their nature and diverse cultural. Since Sarawak is a big state and the only convenient transportation you can rely on. The distance between one city to another is quite far enough that you might skip your Meal Break and Lunch to arrive your destinanations. Hence prepare for the canned foods, instant foods or junk foods may helps you to keep energetic while travelling in Sarawak.

Create Own Tentative/Schedule

Having own tentative schedule might ease your travel journey. For those who visit Sarawak by their own and not attach to any travel tours agancies, this tentative will make your journey become more challlenging and interesting.

To make your own tentative, the first thing come first is to do a research on the best destinations in Sarawak. The locations, weather, environment, travel durations from your current location to another, is the must for you to do your own research and study before creating the tentative.

Since Sarawak is biggest state in Malaysia, you cannot travels 3-4 places in one day. Plan your journey well and plan also the transportation that convenient for your safety in Sarawak.

Prepare Cash Money

Although Malaysia is a rapidly developing country and is experiencing cashless transactions everywhere, as a traveller, you need to know that you still need enough cash when you travel anywhere, including Sarawak.

Especially when you are about to enter rural area in Sarawak, there are few of them prefer to do cashless transaction. To make it safe, keep 70% your budget digitally while another 30% budget physically cash in hand. Make sure you choose the right time when to use cashless transaction and when to use cash in hand.


Travel to Sarawak Malaysia will bring you unique and get you closer to natures. However, one of the biggest challenges among other reasons is the climate in Sarawak. If you travel during August – December, it will usually wet and cloudy most of the time and maybe you will encounter heavy rain and lightning strikes in Sarawak.

Since Sarawak is a big state, the only transportation we can perfectly rely on is to use car or motorcycle. The distance between one destination to another is quite far. Hence do a study and research before creating our own tentative will help us a lot in term of time consuming.

Five fundemantal things mentioned in this article will surely ease your journey before, during and after your travel journey in Sarawak. I hope this article What To Prepare Before Entering Sarawak Malaysia helps you to plan your journey and please drop your comments below if you have doubt on it.


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  1. Sarawak itu ternyata luas juga ya area nya, seperti yang ditulis diatas.
    Jadi tertarik juga berkunjung ke Sarawak, melihat hutan nya yang demikian lebat dan menghijau seperti foto diatas.

    Btw. Mas, saya kalau mendengar kata Sarawak jadi teringat vokalis yang bernama Anita Sarawak pernah populer darhulu disini dengan hits-nya lagu berjudul “Tragedi Buah Apel”.


  2. Sarawak antara wilayah terbesar dan amat pesat membangun di kawasan bandar..

    tidak dinafikan wang tunai jadi pilihan utama berbandimng cashless atas sebab liputan internet

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